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September 3, 2024: Fund performance: Is AI the game changer to manage portfolios' return/risk trade-off? 18:15 - 20:45, Zurich
September 6-7, 2024: SAV Jahrestagung, Bern
September 11, 2024: Banking supervision at FINMA using AI, 18:00 - 20:15
September 13, 2024: Risk Day 2024, ETH Zurich
October 2, 2024: Global Climate Change Hazards Maps, 1800-1900, Zurich
October 3, 2024: Sustainability in (Re-)Insurance Conference 2024, organised by SCOR and the Swiss Association of Actuaries, Zurich
October 15, 2024: Leveraging AI: The future of commodity trading risk management , Zurich
November 4, 2024: AI in insurance pricing - actuary's superpower or just a buzz? Piotr Lebiedz, Robin Luc Oppenheim, Mat Gintrowski, 18:00, Zurich
November 26, 2024: Swiss Solvency Test - Concept and Updates, Moderated by Sabine Betz, President SAA and EY and Michael Schmutz, FINMA, 0900-1645, Zurich
December 2, 2024: Actuarial Transformation and generative AI, Olgierd Baranski & Robin Degezelle, Oliver Wyman, 18:00, Zurich
January 6, 2025: KVG Pricing, 1800, Zurich
February 3, 2025: Alternative Risk Transfer, 1800, Zurich
March 3, 2025: IFRS17, 1800, Zurich
April 7, 2025: AI Do's and Dont's, 1800, Zurich
May 5, 2025: IFRS17 in 17 steps in Excel, Ancus Röhr, Helvetia, 18:00, Zurich
Ongoing Seminars
Webmaster: Dr. Christoph Luchsinger / chris@acad.jobs